would like to save thousands of pounds on their dental care and implants;
insist to the best quality dental treatment but the costs are simply unaffordable their country;
don’t feel afraid of a 2-hour-long flight!
Everybody looks for savings but does it really make sense to travel to Hungary for having the teeth done there? How much could you save if you count with the flight tickets and accomodation as well? Obviously, the more dental work is required the more one can save on his/her dental bills. From 2 or 3 implants, the economy is already far from negligible! To know precisely, simply send us your panoramic dental x-ray and we will send you a detailed treatment plan and quotation. Click here and request your free quote:
Are you worried of having dental care overseas? In fact, it might be one of the best decisions of your life. Our dental team manned by the best qualified specialists in the fields of implant dentisrty and dental restorations. We give full and written guarantee of 3 years for zirconia crowns, metal-ceramic crowns and full-porcelain veneers. For dental implants we provide lifetime warranty.
For many, the restoration and replacement of their teeth with dental implants is considered as an unpleasant expense. In reality, it is an investment in our health and life. A full examination, followed by a well carried out dental treatment, can have very positive effects on your health for a lifetime. So you can forget your dental problems and come back to Budapest only for your annual check-ups.